Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Working group meeting 22-Apr-2008

Breck, Max, Patrick and I met last night - this time on the river bank in our waders and with our trout rods. Max and Patrick caught fish; I was a boy (not sure about Breck)

Proposed work at Strines (action Andrew)
1) arrange initial meeting / site visit between DNMAC, WTT and EA
On Monday afternoon I spoke with WTT. They propose a meeting for late May. I am awaiting confirmation of meeting date...

I think at this meeting it will be useful if we can set some expectations of the improvements the project should deliver.

2) identify affected landowners on the Strines section
- start Grid ref: SJ975864
- finish Grid Ref: SJ979861

Trout in the Town (action Patrick)
1) Letter of introduction to local businesses.

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