Thursday, 24 April 2008

... work to begin at Strines in 2008

Our project has secured funding from the EA for work to begin at Strines in 2008. The application was an internal bid along the lines of:
 . remove tunnel vegetation i.e. trees which stop light reaching the stream bed preventing weed growth
 . install LWD into the stream

These were recommendations of WTT Advisory Visit report Sep 2007.

We hope that WTT will be able to help manage this project; an initial meeting between EA, WTT and DNMAC is planned for mid/late May.

There will be plenty of behind the scenes work needed before any visible work can commence e.g.
 . agreement of landowners
 . approval of flood management authority (EA)
 . collection of electro-fishing and invertebrate data (EA).

Watch this space ...

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